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The U.S. Attorney’s Office of the District of Connecticut reached a settlement agreement with American Cruise Lines. The cruise line was not following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Some people complained that the cruise ships weren't easy for wheelchair users to get around or access.  The settlement will lead to improvements. The deal covers...

The last jobs report for 2023 showed that the job market is doing well, with many jobs added and a low unemployment rate. Even though there were fewer jobs added compared to previous years, it was still better than what experts expected. Workers with disabilities, who often face difficulties finding jobs, have seen improvements. More...

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)  filed the lawsuit charging Clark County Detention Center staff with disability discrimination against a person who is deaf.  The lawsuit says the police violated the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act. Even though the lawsuit is about one person, the ACLU says it's a bigger problem, and they want the...

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a kind of depression that gets worse when the weather is gloomy. SAD symptoms include sleeping a lot, feeling tired, being grumpy, not wanting to do daily activities, and having trouble with stress. If SAD affects someone's work, there are workplace accommodations that can help. They include using lights that...

The Justice Department filed a statement of interest in a lawsuit about not allowing treatment for gender dysphoria in a prison setting. The statement says gender dysphoria is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)’s definition of “disability,” and prisons cannot deny the right medical care for people with gender dysphoria. The Georgia Department...

The Justice Department sent to the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that aims to make it easier for people with disabilities to use medical diagnostic equipment (MDE). MDEs include things like medical examination tables, scales, dental chairs, x-ray machines, and mammography equipment. They...

This edition of Breaking Waves includes items on: The Pacific ADA Center's ADA Virtual Conference on Feb 27-28, 2024. It's a great learning opportunity for healthcare providers, employers, HR staff, ADA coordinators, and other professionals and service providers. The Office of Management and Budget wants to make sure government tech is easy to use for...

The General Services Administration (GSA) gave its report to Congress on federal website accessibility. The law, Section 508, says government agencies have to make their websites and digital things accessible. But many websites still have problems, like not describing images. The report says most agencies aren't doing well in following this law, and less than...

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) wants to identify, deal with, and promote environmental justice that may result from DHS programs, policies, and activities. The government should treat everyone fairly when they make decisions that could affect people's health and environment. This makes sure everyone is safe from unfair health and environmental problems. It also...

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has updated guidance that requires Federal agencies to put accessibility at the center of their digital experiences. The government is improving digital accessibility for everyone. The guidance says agencies should do things such as: Test online content to make sure it's fully accessible before posting it. Involve people...

The Census Bureau wants to change how it counts people with disabilities in the U.S. Disability advocates worry that changes to the disability questions on the Bureau's yearly American Community Survey and how the results are shared could cause problems with the government's official numbers. It might make it harder for disabled people to get...

This edition of Breaking Waves includes items on: Resources that talk about the rights of and protections for individuals with disabilities when traveling by plane, bus, and/or rail. The Pacific ADA Center's CASp Exam Prep Course offered January 8 - 11, 2024. Justice Department agreements to improve services for individuals with disabilities in Arizona and...

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a new article called "Providing an Accessible Workplace." The article talks about laws federal agencies have to follow to make sure individuals with disabilities can fully access job facilities, physical spaces, and information technology. Also, it provides information about where agencies can find more resources to help them...

The following organizations have resources that can help in planning holiday celebrations everyone can participate in: ADA National Network, Temple University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Community Living and Participation of Individuals with Serious Mental Illness, Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, Office of Disability Employment Policy, National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance...

Registration for our virtual conference is now open! We are pleased to invite you to our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) VIRTUAL Conference! This year, we will have three different tracks:  Healthcare, Employment, and Title II State and local governments. When is the conference? Dates: February 27-28, 2024 Hours: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm each...

Sen. Parkinson wants all Guam leased government offices to follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and has introduced Bill 191-37. This law would make offices accessible to everyone. Sen. Parkinson talks about how hard it is for people with disabilities when these offices aren't accessible. He says nobody should be stopped from using government...

Free at-home COVID-19 tests available on the official U.S. government website. Second round of ordering opened on November 20. Ellume tests provided for the blind and low vision community. Each household can place a second order for four additional tests. Ellume tests feature a smartphone app with audio instructions and results. Get your tests here. 

Supreme Court avoids ruling on disability rights case involving activist Deborah Laufer. Laufer reviewed hotel websites for ADA compliance. The case questioned if she could sue hotels for not disclosing accessibility information if she didn't plan to book a room. The case could have stopped the ability of “testers” to bring lawsuits to benefit the...

When workplaces include everyone, everyone benefits. The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) helps businesses include disability in their diversity plans and activities by providing educational resources. These resources include factsheets, guides, and webinars: Business Benefits: Explains the positive impacts of disability inclusion. Inclusion@Work: Guides on creating disability-inclusive workplaces. Expressing Commitment: Ways...

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