Save the Date! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

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Old or historic public places must still follow accessibility requirements. Yet, the ADA does provide limited exceptions for qualified historic properties. The ADA considers a place historic if it has significant historical, architectural, or artistic value. Historic properties have specific, more flexible accessibility requirements, including accessible routes and entrances. Building owners can ask State Historic...

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) and its partners are working together to help older adults and people with disabilities vote by providing resources, services, and legal assistance. Check out ACL's updated voting resource hub for more information.  

Colleges and universities A student’s rights in college may be different than in elementary, middle, and high school. Learn more about the rights of students with disabilities at colleges and universities and the process to get the support you need.  Private schools The rights of a student attending private school are different depending on who...

Ability 360 Visit the Ability 360 website Communities Actively Living Independent & Free Visit the  Communities Actively Living Independent & Free website   Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities Visit the Center for Independence of Individuals with Disabilities website Community Resources for Independent Living Visit the Community Resources for Independent Living website Disability Community...

The Administration for Community Living's Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) has a new tool to help people with disabilities find local services and resources. You can use DIAL's website and database to find this information at any time, every day of the year. Services now include: Housing help, Accessible transportation, Legal aid, Vaccine locations,...

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