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Register today for the April 16 Lunch and Learn Webinar: Your Rights As A Person with A Disability Under the ADA in Health Care
A business woman with blonde hair and a wheelchair wheels herself down a ramp outside a building.

Facility and building accessibility

If you own or manage a building or facility, or if you are a housing developer or provider, you need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so people with disabilities can access and use it.

Buildings are structures with walls and floors. Facilities are places like parking lots, parks, and recreation areas. 

The requirements for your building or facility depend on:

  • If it is private or publicly owned
  • If it is open to the public
  • The year it was built or modified

If you are a state or local government, Title II of the ADA describes the requirements you need to meet for your buildings and facilities. If you are a nonprofit or a business, your requirements are in Title III. 

The ADA Standards for Accessible Design (ADA Standards) apply to both Title II and III facilities. Your state may have additional laws or standards that apply to your buildings or facilities.

Learn about what a disability is (according to the ADA) and who the law protects.

Ask us

Do you have questions about facility and building accessibility? Our technical assistant specialists are here to help, Monday to Friday.

You can contact us by phone, email, or online form.

We also offer trainings, webinars, and online courses.

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