Registration is open for the January 6-10, 2025 CASp Exam Prep Course.

Save the Date! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

The Role of Person-Centered Planning for Employment Support

JanJanuary 9 2024

12:00pm - 1:30pm


As we kick off a new year, join the Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC) and the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) for a webinar focused on strengthening the connection between person-centered planning and advancing competitive, integrated employment. Person-centered planning is an innovative process designed to learn about the choices and interests that make up a person’s idea of a good life.
NCAPPS will highlight five competency domains, also known as skill areas, as a guide for human service agency staff tasked with facilitating person-centered planning. The panel will also review these skill areas in the context of real-world examples to support discovery, exploration, and planning for employment support.

Participants will:

  • Learn how person-centered planning and competitive, integrated employment are connected
  • Understand elements of the five competency domains (skill areas) for person-centered planning
  • Apply these elements to concrete strategies to maximize successful employment support


  • Saska Rajcevic Co-Director NCAPPS
  • Kate Brady Project Manager NCAPPS



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