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Registration is open for the Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA conference, October 9 - 10 in Sacramento.

2024 Americans with Disabilities Act Virtual Conference

FebFebruary 27 2024

A Deaf Black man holds a sign reading Nothing about us without us in front of colorful graffiti.
photo: Gritchelle Fallesgon, Disabled and Here

Hosted by the Pacific ADA Center

February 27-28, 2024

9:30 am-3:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time)


We are pleased to invite you to our Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) VIRTUAL Conference! This year, we have 3 separate tracks focusing on healthcare, employment, and state and local government related issues.

Visit our Conference Agenda page to learn more about the sessions and presenters.

Who should attend?

  • Healthcare providers
  • Employers and human resource professionals
  • State and local government employees, including ADA Coordinators
  • Other professionals and service providers

Join us online to learn how to comply with the ADA, be more inclusive, and provide higher quality services to people with disabilities. Hear from a variety of experts in the field and enjoy opportunities to network with your peers.

What is the cost?

Standard rate: $220 per person (starting February 1, 2024)


Register for the Americans with Disabilities Act Virtual Conference

Sponsorship opportunities

If interested visit our sponsorship information page.

Can I apply presentations to ADA Coordinator credits?

All registered and paid conference attendees will receive a certificate of attendance immediately following the conference. Most conference sessions will be eligible for ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP) Foundation or Elective Credits. After the conference, please indicate the sessions you attended on your agenda, then submit that agenda and your certificate of attendance online to the ACTCP. The ACTCP administrators will apply your credits as appropriate.

Most of the sessions we will offer at our 2024 Americans with Disabilities Act Virtual Conference should count toward ACTCP foundation level or elective credits. The decision about which courses count and how many credits will apply is ultimately up to the ACTCP staff.

Below is a list of our ADA Conference sessions that should provide foundation level (F) or elective (E) ACTCP credits:

  • Understanding Disability Bias and Its Impacts on Our Work – E
  • The ADA’s Effective Communication Requirements in Healthcare Settings – F
  • Medical Documentation and Requests for Reasonable Accommodation: Understanding its Role in the Interactive Process – F
  • I Just Became the ADA Coordinator, Now What?! Part 1 – F
  • Accessible Public Health – E
  • Creating an Inclusive Workplace: An Employer’s Perspective – E
  • I Just Became the ADA Coordinator, Now What?! Part 2 – F
  • Mental Health, Substance Use, and the ADA: An Overview of SAMHSA Resources – E
  • Employment rights of people with disabilities – F
  • The Importance of the Disability Community Voice: An interactive panel on working together to improve accessibility and impact disability policy – E
  • Increase digital access with plain language and accessible documents – E
  • Personal Experience with Healthcare Barriers – E
  • Reasonable Accommodations – What is an accommodation, what is reasonable, and how to ask for them? – F
  • Voting Accessibility & ADA Title II – E
  • Healthcare: Lessons from Nurses in the Field – E
  • AI and Its Potential for Resulting in Disability Discrimination – E
  • Trail Accessibility – E
  • Supported Decision-Making in Health Care and the ADA: What You Need to Know – E
  • Mental Health in the Workplace: An Employment Lawyer & HR Executive’s Personal Experience – E
  • ADA Coordinators: Are they Effective in Ensuring Equity for People with Disabilities? – E

Questions about the conference?

Contact the Pacific ADA Center at

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