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Cutting Edge Supply to pay $150,000 in disability discrimination and retaliation lawsuit

Posted on March 25, 2025

Black Diamond Blade Company, doing business as Cutting Edge Supply, a California-based construction supply company operating in Arizona, will pay $150,000 to a former welder and take other actions to settle a disability discrimination and retaliation lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Cutting Edge did not accommodate a welder with diabetes who asked to take snack breaks throughout the workday to take care of his blood sugar levels. The company retaliated against him when he complained and went on to fire him.

In addition to paying $150,000  to the employee, the company has to revise its Americans with Disabilities Act policies, quickly and thoroughly look into claims of disability discrimination, and train all employees and managers on disability discrimination. They also have to provide reports of training, complaints, and policy changes to the EEOC.

To learn more, read the EEOC press release.

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