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Technical Assistance Specialist


Pat Swartz

Pat is the Lead Technical Assistance Specialist at the Pacific ADA Center. She has spent the past 10 years training and providing technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Pacific ADA services are available to people with disabilities, employers, architects, and business owners.

Pat is a Certified ADA Coordinator (ADAC). She also serves on the Knowledge Transition Committee for the ADA National Network, where she shares her expertise on plain language.

Pat currently serves as project lead for a grant collaborating with the California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD). The council is invested in ensuring that all Californians with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families are provided with publicly accessible, plain language information about available supports, services, and other important resources and issues.

Pat holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in education. Before working for the Pacific ADA Center, she spent her career as a special education teacher, an elementary school teacher, and a school administrator. She was also a program manager for a nonprofit and an Individual Service Provider contracted by the California Department of Rehabilitation. Pat also has experience as a Certified Trainer with the California School-Age Consortium (Cal SAC).

Pat has participated in Nonviolent Communication Trainings through Bay Area NVC. She holds a Mental Health First Aid USA Certificate through the Cypress Resilience Project and a Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training Certificate through SEEDS Community Resolution Center. She also holds a Human Resource Management Certificate from the HR Department of California State University, East Bay, Continuing Education.

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