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Category: Facility and building accessibility

New webinar to help improve accessibility of public school buildings

The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights have a new webinar on YouTube,  Accessible Public Schools. It covers ways school districts can increase accessibility of their school buildings and facilities for students and teachers with disabilities. The Justice Department worked with the Department of Education to develop … Continued

Providing an accessible workplace

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a new article called “Providing an Accessible Workplace.” The article talks about laws federal agencies have to follow to make sure individuals with disabilities can fully access job facilities, physical spaces, and information technology. Also, it provides information about where agencies can find more resources to help them … Continued

Resources for an inclusive holiday season

The following organizations have resources that can help in planning holiday celebrations everyone can participate in: ADA National Network, Temple University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Community Living and Participation of Individuals with Serious Mental Illness, Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, Office of Disability Employment Policy, National Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance … Continued

Smithsonian improves online features to make things easier to access

The Smithsonian is using technology to improve museums and the resources people have access to. The goal is for everyone, no matter where they are, to get a better understanding of the changing world. New software will make things better for visitors, donors, volunteers, and others who deal with the Smithsonian. The aim is to … Continued

Become a Disability A.L.L.Y. — Information for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare practices serve patients with disabilities who may face extra problems in getting care. Providers, become an ally for people with disabilities by making small changes that can really improve their lives, starting with assessing your practice and building a more inclusive practice by using: Welcoming Spaces: Make sure your programs and physical spaces are … Continued

U.S. Access Board Releases Training Videos on Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines

The U.S. Access Board made five new videos on the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines. The first four videos offer a chapter-by-chapter review of the guidelines to better understand the accessibility requirements to make sidewalks, crosswalks, shared-use paths, on-street parking, and other pedestrian facilities accessible to people with disabilities. The fifth video, “What’s New in the … Continued

Understanding how the ADA applies to historic properties

Old or historic public places must still follow accessibility requirements. Yet, the ADA does provide limited exceptions for qualified historic properties. The ADA considers a place historic if it has significant historical, architectural, or artistic value. Historic properties have specific, more flexible accessibility requirements, including accessible routes and entrances. Building owners can ask State Historic … Continued

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