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Category: Employment and the workplace

EEOC releases two reports on the federal workforce and disabilities

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released two reports on people with disabilities in the federal workforce. One report focuses on the impact of telework on Personal Assistance Services (PAS), and how agencies changed their PAS programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. PAS are supports given to people with certain disabilities, like deafness or paralysis, … Continued

Supporting employees with Long COVID: a guide for employers

The Office of Disability Employment (ODEP) released a news brief with resources on: Supporting employees with Long COVID, Accomodating workers with Long COVID, The impact of Long COVID on employment, especially on those with disabilities who are part of underserved communities, and Addressing the workplace challenges related to Long COVID. The news brief also includes: … Continued

Share your ideas about making AI hiring tools more inclusive

The Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT) is working to make artificial intelligence (AI) hiring tools more inclusive. AI hiring tools can be good or bad depending on how people create and use them. PEAT helps organizations understand and deal with what AI hiring tools can do especially when it comes to job seekers … Continued

Accommodating employees with low vision

For Low Vision Awareness Month, the  Job Accommodation Network (JAN) February newsletter lists resources for employers who wish to accommodate employees with low vision. These resources include: Accommodating Cooks with Low Vision Choosing Among Options for Computer Users with Low Vision Magnifiers, Screen Readers, and Braille – Oh My! Visual Disabilities in the Workplace and … Continued

Community partnerships: an effective inclusion strategy

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) has information about creating and maintaining effective community partnerships. These partnerships can help with hiring, keeping, and supporting employees with disabilities. Businesses gain from working with national, regional, and local organizations. The website talks about: Organizations that can help businesses find applicants with disabilities, Tips … Continued

New EARN Small Business Toolkit

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) has a new toolkit to help small businesses find, hire, keep, and promote people with disabilities. Meant for small business owners and hiring managers. Small businesses are super important for the economy and communities. Most businesses in the US are small and employ almost half … Continued

The unemployment rate for workers with disabilities is increasing

The last jobs report for 2023 showed that the job market is doing well, with many jobs added and a low unemployment rate. Even though there were fewer jobs added compared to previous years, it was still better than what experts expected. Workers with disabilities, who often face difficulties finding jobs, have seen improvements. More … Continued

When it’s more than the winter blues: Accommodating SAD in the workplace

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a kind of depression that gets worse when the weather is gloomy. SAD symptoms include sleeping a lot, feeling tired, being grumpy, not wanting to do daily activities, and having trouble with stress. If SAD affects someone’s work, there are workplace accommodations that can help. They include using lights that … Continued

Providing an accessible workplace

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a new article called “Providing an Accessible Workplace.” The article talks about laws federal agencies have to follow to make sure individuals with disabilities can fully access job facilities, physical spaces, and information technology. Also, it provides information about where agencies can find more resources to help them … Continued

Disability Inclusion

When workplaces include everyone, everyone benefits. The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) helps businesses include disability in their diversity plans and activities by providing educational resources. These resources include factsheets, guides, and webinars: Business Benefits: Explains the positive impacts of disability inclusion. Inclusion@Work: Guides on creating disability-inclusive workplaces. Expressing Commitment: Ways … Continued

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