Registration is now open! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

Category: Communication and technology

OMB releases ‘broad’ accessibility guidance for government tech

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has updated guidance that requires Federal agencies to put accessibility at the center of their digital experiences. The government is improving digital accessibility for everyone. The guidance says agencies should do things such as: Test online content to make sure it’s fully accessible before posting it. Involve people … Continued

Smithsonian improves online features to make things easier to access

The Smithsonian is using technology to improve museums and the resources people have access to. The goal is for everyone, no matter where they are, to get a better understanding of the changing world. New software will make things better for visitors, donors, volunteers, and others who deal with the Smithsonian. The aim is to … Continued

Become a Disability A.L.L.Y. — Information for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare practices serve patients with disabilities who may face extra problems in getting care. Providers, become an ally for people with disabilities by making small changes that can really improve their lives, starting with assessing your practice and building a more inclusive practice by using: Welcoming Spaces: Make sure your programs and physical spaces are … Continued

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline adds ASL services

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline’s addition of nationwide American Sign Language (ASL) services for people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. This is part of the Department’s ongoing efforts to increase accessibility to behavioral health care for underserved communities. Since the July 2022 launch, … Continued

ACL Expands DIAL to include self-service features

The Administration for Community Living’s Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) has a new tool to help people with disabilities find local services and resources. You can use DIAL’s website and database to find this information at any time, every day of the year. Services now include: Housing help, Accessible transportation, Legal aid, Vaccine locations, … Continued

FCC Requires Video Conferencing Platforms to be Accessible

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to require video conferencing platforms, like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Webex, to follow the accessibility requirements under the Communications Act and agency rules that oversee these types of services. Why was this needed? Millions of people use video conferencing for workplace conferences, classes, and talking with family and friends. … Continued

California Congressperson introduces accessible tech act

Congressman Mike Thompson introduced the Access Technology Affordability Act. If passed, it would provide a refundable $2,000 credit to blind and vision-impaired people to purchase equipment that helps them to work. The Access Technology Affordability Act will provide those with vision loss the resources they need to get tools and equipment that will help them … Continued

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