Registration is now open! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

Category: Communication and technology

Resource for poll workers and voters with disabilities

The Great Plains ADA Center has developed a series of web pages to help poll workers train their volunteers and staff to understand the rights and possible needs of voters with disabilities. It provides an overview of training topics recommended for polling place staff and volunteers, including: Voting rights Voter assistance Disability awareness Disability awareness … Continued

Remote participation as a reasonable accommodation for public meetings in California

California Attorney General Rob Bonta issued an Attorney General Opinion stating that remote participation in public meetings can be a reasonable accommodation under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The July 24 opinion will allow many individuals with disabilities to join and rejoin local boards and commissions. During the pandemic, public meetings took … Continued

Marriott agrees to better accommodate guests with disabilities

Marriott International will change its reservations system under a deal reached with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Colorado about alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The U.S. Attorney’s Office received complaints from individuals with disabilities and it found that Marriott’s centralized electronic reservations system didn’t have the minimum number … Continued

Guide to help people who work for small state or local governments understand new web content and mobile app accessibility requirements

On April 24, 2024, the Federal Register published the Department of Justice’s final rule updating its regulations for Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This final rule has requirements about how to make sure that web content and mobile applications (apps) are accessible to people with disabilities. The new Small Entity Compliance … Continued

New rule for state and local governments on web and mobile app accessibility

In April, the Federal Register published the U.S. Department of Justice’s final rule updating its Americans with Disabilities Act Title II regulations. This rule provides state and local governments with new requirements to make their websites and mobile applications (apps) accessible to people with disabilities.  Many government programs, services, and activities are now provided online. … Continued

FCC wants feedback on ASL and multilingual emergency alerts

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is asking for people’s opinions (until April 8, 2024) on its proposal to make emergency video alerts available in American Sign Language (ASL) and in certain non-English languages. The FCC decided on some new rules last year. These rules say that wireless providers must put out certain emergency alerts in … Continued

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