Registration is now open! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

Category: Accessibility

Accessible adventures with the National Park Service

The National Park Service is dedicated to accessibility, offering resources for visitors and employees with disabilities. Each park’s website features an accessibility section for trip planning. Plus, the Access Pass provides lifetime access to 2,000+ federal recreation sites. Learn about the Access Pass. Check out the National Park Service Accessibility Website.

New rule for state and local governments on web and mobile app accessibility

In April, the Federal Register published the U.S. Department of Justice’s final rule updating its Americans with Disabilities Act Title II regulations. This rule provides state and local governments with new requirements to make their websites and mobile applications (apps) accessible to people with disabilities.  Many government programs, services, and activities are now provided online. … Continued

Updated guidance on federal laws protecting the rights of voters with disabilities

The Department of Justice has updated guidance on their website, The Americans with Disabilities Act and Other Federal Laws Protecting the Rights of Voters with Disabilities. It talks about the legal protections for people with disabilities that require full access to all aspects of elections, including registration and voting. For more information on this and … Continued

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2024

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. It focuses on how people with and without disabilities work together to form strong communities. It also highlights the importance of full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities (DD) in community life, the contributions of people with DD, and the ongoing need to remove barriers. The 2024 theme is … Continued

Remembering Brooke Ellison

Brooke Ellison, an important disability rights advocate, died on February 4, 2024. One of the first quadriplegic Harvard graduates, she became an author, professor, and powerful voice for people with disabilities. She was very passionate about stem cell research and medical ethics issues and was recognized worldwide for her efforts. Brooke was Vice President of … Continued

California’s Disability Rights Bureau

The Disability Rights Bureau of California enforces state laws that protect people with disabilities from discrimination. These laws deal with things like employment, housing, education, and public services. The Bureau works with other parts of the government and deals with different issues related to fairness and equality. If you have a problem related to disability … Continued

U.S. Access Board has new videos that explain the work they do

The U.S. Access Board has a helpful YouTube channel with videos about accessibility. Recently, they added three new videos: “Welcome to the U.S. Access Board” gives an overview of what the Board does. “Learn How to File an Architectural Barriers Act Complaint” covers filing complaints about accessibility issues. “Online Resources from the U.S. Access Board” … Continued

American Cruise Lines to improve fleet accessibility in ADA settlement

The U.S. Attorney’s Office of the District of Connecticut reached a settlement agreement with American Cruise Lines. The cruise line was not following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Some people complained that the cruise ships weren’t easy for wheelchair users to get around or access.  The settlement will lead to improvements. The deal covers … Continued

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